How To Make Him Miss You Badly

Remember the last time you felt a powerful longing for that special someone? Whether you’ve only known him for a while, or you’re in a long-term relationship with him……if he matters to you, being away from him is painful. But how do you make him feel the SAME?
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How To Keep Him Interested In You Forever

Rita, a massage therapist from San Diego, was fresh from a breakup when she met Henry. Her ex walked out on her without warning after five whole years of being together. So, she was keen on starting over with her new guy. She’d only been seeing Henry for a couple of months, but she knew he was different from the guys
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8 Body Language Signs That He Loves You

Men: aren’t they a handful? If you’re not stressing out over their will-he-or-won’t-he-commit antics, they’re giving you mixed signs about how they feel. It can be frustrating trying to decode what a man says because unlike women, he’s not as emotionally expressive. So, he may be feeling one way, but his words suggest otherwise.
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8 Differences Between True Love and Fake Love

Guys don’t always say what they mean, whether it’s unintentional or not. Sometimes, it’s a case of miscommunication where a man has trouble expressing himself, and you get the wrong message. For instance, he could be fresh out of a relationship and didn’t know what he was getting into when started going out with you.
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4 Traits Women Have (That Men Routinely Fall In Love With)

Aspasia was a famous woman in Greek history who lived during the 5th century. She wasn’t just known for her knock-out looks, but also for her beautiful mind and razor-sharp wit. More than that, her life gives us a look into how women of ancient Greece used to roll back in the day.
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5 Signs

5 Signs He’s The Right Man For You

Tessa, a tech support specialist from Melbourne in her late twenties, has an active social life. She often goes to sci-fi conventions, regularly holds video game marathons at her place and meets a lot of people who share the same interests – including guys. As it was, Tessa had been single for some time and was hoping to find a partner who could complement her personality.
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